JTF Community


A Community for all people to come together and play.
Everything you need

All-in-one community

From airsofting to online gaming, the JTF has you covered!

We are recruiting

We are always looking to expand our community. If you think you have what it takes, then it is time to answer the call and join up with the JTF.

gaming servers

As a gaming community we have invested into the hardware to help our community expand. Rocking a full server equipped with 2x Intel Xeon 3.9 Ghz, 2x 1TB SSD and 128gb of DDR4 Ram


A way for community to communicate and plan events, but most of all, a place for you to introduce yourself!


As a gaming community we use the ever so popular voice server Discord. Here is our link! Come and say Hi.


On a semi-regular basis the JTF community hosts events, with some awesome give aways! To date we have awarded some pretty great games such as Conan Exiles, Empyrion, 7 Days to Die, Remenant II, just to name a few.


We are looking to expand our groups name and flag coast to coast. If you want to lead a group in your community let us know so we can support you.


Want a certain server added? Let our admins know and we will see what we can do!


We take cheating very seriously. If you suspect anyone is cheating on our servers let anyone in administration know right away so we can investigate!